Frequently Asked Questions

They can, but in reality, it happens very seldom since the sub-base is thick enough to avoid any weeds growing.

Artificial grass is eco-friendly in the sense that it minimizes the use of all types of pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers.

With regular use and subject to normal wear and tear, the artificial grass courts are expected to last more than ten years.

Not much! You have to get rid of debris and dry leaves and occasionally fluff with a stiff brush. Periodically your court may need to add in-fill sand - once a year.

The material of artificial grass is UV stable, and therefore, it will be highly resistant to any fading caused by the harsh sunlight.

Clean the surface of debris with an ordinary leaf blower. To learn more about how to take care of your artificial grass tennis court, click here.

We sell artificial grass TennisKits that are highly heat-resistant but not fireproof. The materials used to create these products will melt when exposed to fire or a heat source.

The number one benefit to having artificial grass tennis court is that it doesn't involve much maintenance! You don't need to mow, water, fertilize, control weeds, or re-seed. It looks beautiful and is ready to use always, even shortly after the rain. In the right maintenance, it lasts many years. Secondly, the artificial grass TennisKit surface is very friendly to players' feet.

Standard tennis court dimensions are 18.27×36.57 meters. For further information, please visit

Most of the artificial grass products are produced by using PE (Polyethylene) - soft and durable material that is easy to clean.


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